Support Your Local Farmers

Invest In Your Local Economy




This incredibly important and impactful direct-to-consumer relationship has become very popular over the years, and thank goodness for that! Let’s still not forget that the CSA model has a super important and consequential role when it comes to supporting your local farms. Community Supported Ag puts money directly into the pockets of farmers just when they need it most. . With little to no product to sell in the off season, and expenses starting to accrue for the upcoming year, some farmers may find themselves taking out high interest rate loans, putting off, or even cutting important enterprises that could help grow and stabilize their business in the long run. The CSA is just one of the many multifaceted enterprises a farmer is tending to throughout the season, but it may mean the most. With your purchase of a farm share you are pledging your support, and with that show of support, we the farmers are going to support you and the local economy right back. Together, we are creating and connecting a more resilient community.

Get to know your farmers! Being part a CSA can help build a super special and close relationship, especially when joining year after year. You’ll get to know my farm, my farming practices, share in stories and knowledge of farming, nature, and just about anything else. And the best part, you’ll have the most seasonal, local flowers all spring/summer/fall long to enjoy and share with your loved ones.

In addition, I’ll be offering CSA members fun little magical offerings throughout the season…

  • advance notice and discounts to workshops that will be held at the farm at the West Taghkanic Diner

  • surprise seasonal discount codes for arrangements and other floral design goodies

More Reasons to Become

a CSA Member!